produce on LivingLifeinHD.Com
We had a fun far ranging conversation during the monthly New Earth Community porch hangout. Ways we move through our days. How we look and play in the flow and pull things out and create with them... We see some cool brightly colored fish too ;-) lol.
The New Earth zoom hangout is the 4th Tuesday of every month at 5pm Pacific time. I send a rwminder to Living Life in HD email subscribers with the zoom room information so come and hangout and share what's on your heart and mind.
Become part of the https://LivingLifeinHD.Locals.Com Community and support our Content Creation and the work we do while being an active member in a New Earth Community
The mountain mists came in and the song of the "Pinkle Tinks" (that's what they were refereed to on Martha's Vineyard, as I used to fall asleep to them as a kid.
They are nicknamed different things depending on your location around the US.
If Anyone knows what they are referred to in the West, or in your part of Gaia I would love to know.
Leave a comment and we can have a unity chorus of tiny moist meadow frogs- or peepers and connect that way :-)
I had a fun time joining DuAnne Redus, for one of her final episodes on her 5 year radio program On River Time.
Back in 06'-0'8' we had our own radio program Time for Change, on Blogtalk Radio.
It was fun to be together again playing on the radio in a rhythm of expansive conversation.
Have a listen and share a few thoughts on your favorite podcast or conversation radio program You listen to.