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Come join the conversation on an uncensored and expansive community.
We will be connecting to chat about the vibrational shifts, navigating the changes from the old system to the totally new we are all creating together and what we are envisioning.... some step by steps we are taking to flow there.
The mountain mists came in and the song of the "Pinkle Tinks" (that's what they were refereed to on Martha's Vineyard, as I used to fall asleep to them as a kid.
They are nicknamed different things depending on your location around the US.
If Anyone knows what they are referred to in the West, or in your part of Gaia I would love to know.
Leave a comment and we can have a unity chorus of tiny moist meadow frogs- or peepers and connect that way :-)
I had a fun time joining DuAnne Redus, for one of her final episodes on her 5 year radio program On River Time.
Back in 06'-0'8' we had our own radio program Time for Change, on Blogtalk Radio.
It was fun to be together again playing on the radio in a rhythm of expansive conversation.
Have a listen and share a few thoughts on your favorite podcast or conversation radio program You listen to.