produced on Living Life in HD, on March 19th, 2022
Long days and a long 3 day weekend of work stating 6 am finishing 9:30 pm, then back to my place to try to get a few things done for my business, my transition, my vibrational frequency… Before starting again Sunday Morn.
No bursts of excitement and joy today, no burst of fear or worry either :- )
Interesting new and very deep heart alignment and resonance and transformation. Which feels really important.
I AM excited to see what the Spring Equinox energies bring forward !
I Love You BZ
The mountain mists came in and the song of the "Pinkle Tinks" (that's what they were refereed to on Martha's Vineyard, as I used to fall asleep to them as a kid.
They are nicknamed different things depending on your location around the US.
If Anyone knows what they are referred to in the West, or in your part of Gaia I would love to know.
Leave a comment and we can have a unity chorus of tiny moist meadow frogs- or peepers and connect that way :-)
I had a fun time joining DuAnne Redus, for one of her final episodes on her 5 year radio program On River Time.
Back in 06'-0'8' we had our own radio program Time for Change, on Blogtalk Radio.
It was fun to be together again playing on the radio in a rhythm of expansive conversation.
Have a listen and share a few thoughts on your favorite podcast or conversation radio program You listen to.