Updated after first video : -)
The early spring evening was alive with Joy! I was nudged to do a quantum porch sitting to visit with You. The birds were singing. The Pinkle-Tinks were singing! I was nudged to PLAY with what are our dreams. How do we play with them. Honor them. Nurture Them. Along with our Hearts and Our Soul.
Come sit on the Quantum porch for a few minutes and Honor and nurture your heart, Soul, and Dreams.
This is so fun. More just keeps unfolding with the inner videos and the external Confirmations I keep receiving.
Shortly after I finished uploading this quantum porch sitting video, I was nudged to check Youtube because a video had just been released I was asked to watch. (hahaha, I Know how many videos get uploaded in the time it takes me to have that nudge. lol.) Ok, same answer I have to all my Nudges and then I follow them and take inspired action!
So I went onto You Tube and glanced at the page I call up with all the videos being...
The mountain mists came in and the song of the "Pinkle Tinks" (that's what they were refereed to on Martha's Vineyard, as I used to fall asleep to them as a kid.
They are nicknamed different things depending on your location around the US.
If Anyone knows what they are referred to in the West, or in your part of Gaia I would love to know.
Leave a comment and we can have a unity chorus of tiny moist meadow frogs- or peepers and connect that way :-)
I had a fun time joining DuAnne Redus, for one of her final episodes on her 5 year radio program On River Time.
Back in 06'-0'8' we had our own radio program Time for Change, on Blogtalk Radio.
It was fun to be together again playing on the radio in a rhythm of expansive conversation.
Have a listen and share a few thoughts on your favorite podcast or conversation radio program You listen to.